Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Just finished everything you have posted for Buried But Not Gone. Can't wait for more! Very suspenseful."
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8 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "That is going to be a definite, I can tell!"
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8 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Hot! Hot hot hot! And too. Stinking. Adorable."
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8 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "I don't know how I could possibly fall in love with these two any more than I already have. I've been crazy busy the last week or so, and I most certainly missed my boys. Er, your boys. My book boyfriends? You write so well it really draws me in. Thank you for gifting this to the world!"
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8 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "Oops. Forgot to mention that. It was the first one. No, wait, Runner had been introduced so it was the second one."
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8 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "I am still loving this! It was actually painful to have to tear myself away from it to go to work tonight. :) One thing, and I mention it because I would want someone to tell me. There is a spot (chapter 4, I think, but now that I'm in the middle of this message I can't remember.) where a page repeats itself. Then later I found the page that seemed to go there in Chapter 6 (2). Anyway, I figured out what was going on. Lol. OMG I do love these two so much!"
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8 years ago

Commented on The Warlock Case Files:
   "I've only read about 4 chapters in and I'm hooked! Loving every syllable."
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8 years ago